Friday, February 22, 2008

We're found on Google!

If you Google "Herriman Utah Preschool" guess who comes up as the third highest search result? 'The Price's Right?' blog! Ya, go figure.


Unknown said...

oh, the fame! nice work! :)

joel and laura michelle said...

haha... thats hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Since we lost our list of favorites when we hooked up our new computer, I was trying to get mine back in gear. I was trying to find your blog and I googled it and saw the Herriman preshool thing so I clicked on it and there you were. Do you have more clout out there than I realize????? Love Ya, mom

Seth Price said...

Mom, let's just say I have people in places. There's an underground preschool mafia and I may or may not be your man that could or could not get your kid into the best preschool if there were certain funds possibly placed in my mailbox. I can't confirm or deny this statement.