Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween '07

This year was a bit different since Carter joined the family only 5 days ago and only one of us could take the kids out. Jess offered to stay home and I had a friend bring his little boy over to go trick or treating with us. It was fun and very, very short. I think we hit a total of 9 houses at which point Kaylee and Austin both suggested it was time to go home. Actually, they suggested that after house 3 where a little dog come running out and scared them both to death. Yes, they have a fear of dogs and so it put a little damper on the evening. I wasn't ready for them to be done and had to convince them there were no dogs at any of the other houses. They still had fun and hopefully next year will be better.
Austin's cousin, Nate, came over earlier in the day to get pictures taken since they were both Batman this year. Who woulda guessed?

Jess' brother is living with us for a while and helped start the pumpkin while I finished up some work in the office.

I loved this face.

Loved this one too.

It's hard to take a night pic without a tripod. You get the just of what it looked like though, right?


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! The pumpkin looks like how I feel.

Anonymous said...

They are adorablee. Wish we could of been there to see it all in person. It's so hard being so far away. We love you all. Mom and Dad